Schedule a Consultation

"The natural healing force within each of us is the greatest force in getting well."


Schedule a Consultation

What to Expect on the Day of Surgery

In the weeks leading up to your surgery, you should:

  • Visit your general practitioner: Inform your GP of your upcoming surgery and ask about which medications you should continue to take. He or she may instruct you to take certain medications, such as aspirin, warfarin, clopidogrel, and other blood thinners.  On the morning of your surgery, you will be fasting, so be certain to ask which medications you should or should not take then.
  • If you are a smoker, quit smoking: Smoking interferes with the body’s ability to heal, so you will not be allowed to smoke in the weeks leading up to your surgery or during the recovery period.
  • Make preparations to have someone drive you to and from your appointment: You will most likely be able to return home on the day of your surgery; however, you will not be able to drive yourself to and from the surgical centre. You will want to arrange for a ride.  Indeed, you will want to make as many arrangements as you can prior to surgery so that you can recover with as little stress as possible.  This may include arranging for someone to help you with household duties that will be difficult for you to manage at first, stocking up on groceries, and making sure you have clothing that is easy to slip on and off despite having a splint on one of your hands.

On the day before your surgery, you should:

  • Expect a call from our office: We will call to remind you of your appointment, as well as its time and the location.
  • Eat healthy meals and drink plenty of fluids: You will not be able to eat or drink the next morning, so enjoy a balanced diet and lots of water and other liquids the day before. Avoid alcohol as it will dehydrate you.

On the day of surgery, you should:

  • Not eat or drink: You may take any medicine that your GP approved with a small sip of water, but otherwise no food or fluids, period.
  • Not bring any valuables with you: Please do not bring any valuables, including jewellery, with you to your appointment.
  • Bring all of your relevant medical imaging with you to your appointment: Do not bring only your medical reports. The images are extremely helpful for surgical planning.
  • Bring a list of any questions you might have: Dr. Sungaran will meet with you prior to your operation and would be happy to answer any questions you might have. You may also ask a member of our friendly nursing staff.
  • Expect to undergo a pre-operative exam: One of Dr. Sungaran’s assistants will perform a brief pre-operative exam to confirm that your health has not changed since you visited your GP and that you are indeed healthy enough to undergo surgery.

Dr. Sungaran will discuss the details of your specific surgery with you during your consultation.  You and he will go over the type of anaesthesia that will be used, whether there is any chance you will be hospitalised for a period after your surgery, possible risks and complications associated with the procedure, and what you can expect from the post-operative recovery process, including hand therapy.

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Thanks for stopping by! We're here to help so please don't hesitate to reach out. Please include your phone number and email address! For a quicker response, we request that all communications about appointments are made by phone. We do not monitor our schedule when out of the office, so we may not get them in a timely manner. Thanks again!