Why are my hands always cold?
If your hands are always cold, it is due to reduced blood flow. For some people it may be physiological (normal), and resolves with an increase in core temperature. However sometimes chronic poor circulation can result in skin changes that are permanent.
Our bodies keep our hands warm primarily by regulating the blood flow that travels from the heart, down the arm, all the way to our fingertips. More blood to the hands means pink, warmer hands; less blood flow means colder and sometimes painful hands. If this loss of blood flow happens repeatedly, it can cause ulcers in the skin and tissue death (necrosis).
There are many diseases of blood vessels that can cause loss of blood flow on a temporary basis. One of the most common is Raynaud’s Disease, during which there is an abnormal reaction in the hand when it is exposed to cold. Due to muscle spasm around the small blood vessels in the fingers, they turn a blue colour – a process called cyanosis. When the fingers are warmed up again, the increased blood flow causes a red color and painful fingers. After a while, the fingers return to their normal skin color, causing swelling and tingling. If this happens too often it can result in ulcers and skin loss.
Chilblains are the painful inflammation of small blood vessels in your skin that occur in response to repeated exposure to cold but not freezing air. Also known as pernio, chilblains can cause itching, red patches, swelling and blistering on your hands and feet. They usually clear up within one to three weeks, especially if the weather gets warmer. You may have recurrences seasonally for years. Treatment involves protecting yourself from the cold and using lotions to ease the symptoms.
Chilblains don’t usually result in permanent injury. But the condition can lead to infection, which may cause severe damage if left untreated.
If you or someone you know would benefit from more information on this condition, please contact us via email or phone through this link
Information courtesy of American Society for Surgery of the Hand (www.assh.org)